Wednesday, December 11, 2013

IED Project 4:

IED Project 3: Perspective Sketching

1.    Study the object represented in the isometric views below. Use the vanishing point and horizon line indicated to lay out light construction lines and create a one-point perspective sketch of the object within the given box. The perspective sketch must show the object in a top, left side, front view orientation. Delineate the visible edges of the sketch with heavy object lines. DO NOT ERASE YOUR CONSTRUCTION LINES. Add tonal shading to the sketch when finished.
2.    Use the horizon line and vanishing points shown to lay out a two-point perspective sketch of the object shown in number 1 above using construction lines within the given box. The perspective sketch must show the object in a top, front, right side view orientation. Delineate the visible edges of the sketch with heavy object lines. DO NOT ERASE YOUR CONSTRUCTION LINES. Add tonal shading to the sketch.
3.    Create a one-point perspective sketch of a puzzle cube piece in your engineering notebook (as directed by your instructor) using pencil to create construction lines. Use ink to delineate the object lines and add tonal shading.

IED Project 2: Puzzle Cube

Virtual Prototype

Build each part of your Cube Puzzle using Autodesk Inventor Software

Create the following Drawings (These drawings will be placed in Step 6 – Present Solutions)

1.Title Page

2.Parts List/Exploded View

3.Assembly Page

4.Individual Parts Page (All 5 Pieces)

Developing a Design Proposal

Create a multi-view drawing (including isometric drawing) for each Puzzle Cube part.

Create an isometric drawing of the cube fully assembled


IED Project 1: Paper Tower

 Rules for Tower Rules for Tower Challenge

Bottom of tennis ball must be at least18” above ground/table

Must withstand wind from fan for at least 10 seconds

Ball can’t fall

Tower can’t tip over

Use only materials given for challenge

Tower must be free standing

Cannot tape to table

annot tape to table